Christian Considerations on UFOs & Aliens

Blurry image of UFO

UFOs and aliens have been in and out of pop culture since the 50s. Still, there has been a notable shift in the topic over the past few years, and it’s starting to be taken more seriously by many as a real possibility instead of a fun conspiracy theory to think about. On July 26th, 2023, there was a historic congressional hearing on Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon UAPs (the new nomenclature for UFOs) brought on by the whistleblower Retired Maj. David Grusch has, under congressional oath, stated that the United States has recovered crashed UAP, including bodies of some kind. He is not alone in his assertions. Other high-ranking individuals have come forward, stating that something very unusual is going on.

A Christian may wonder how to make sense of something so far-fetched and have many questions like; Does the Bible have anything to say on UFOs and aliens?, Do aliens need a savior like Jesus?, What if aliens don’t follow or know about Christianity?, If aliens are confirmed does that mean the Gospel is false? 

These are all great questions, and I will provide a framework for considering questions like these in this article. 

A disclaimer before moving on, these are just ways to consider this topic I am in no way saying these are complete answers or necessarily correct. 

Alien Life

What would happen if NASA announced tomorrow the discovery of microscopic life? What about animal life? And finally, what about intelligent life? The Bible doesn’t talk about alien life, but does that mean it couldn’t exist? God has made many kinds of creatures here on Earth, and it is not difficult to think that he could have created life on other worlds especially considering how vast space is.

However, the real challenge is in intelligent life. What does that mean for humankind? The Bible focuses on mankind and how we have sinned and need a Savior and how that Savior is found in Jesus Christ, who sacrificed himself to pay the debt of sin so that there is a path through Jesus to be united with God and no longer children of wrath. Would intelligent alien life from another planet need an alien version of Jesus to save them? There are three potential scenarios if we discover intelligent alien life:

  • The intelligent life from another planet didn’t fall to sin, and thus they do not need a savior. 

  • The intelligent life is like angels, who stay loyal to God or fall as individuals, not as a group. 

  • God is infinite and could have created multiple intelligent creatures he loved and provided a savior for them as he has with Jesus for us. 

Each of these has various implications, but none invalidate the Gospel. One complication would be if we discover alien life and they have a different or no belief system. Some people could assume alien life is smarter or knows something we do not and be tempted to adopt the alien belief system. I think it's important to realize it's just as likely that we humans have special knowledge from God's word that the aliens may not have. Additionally, it would be foolish to believe that aliens have humanity's best interest at heart and are not trying to deceive us.

A Supernatural Perspective

With all of that in mind, we can take a step further down the rabbit hole and start speculating on the nature and identity of these NHIs (non-human Intelligence). The exploration of UFOs (or UAPS) and aliens has often been confined to science and technology, focusing on physical explanations and tangible evidence. However, the subject is far more complex and mysterious, inviting us to consider possibilities that transcend the physical world.

The term "non-human Intelligence" or NHI helps open a door to a broader understanding of intelligence that goes beyond our conventional definitions. It challenges us to think about intelligence in a way not confined to physical characteristics. What if these NHIs are not merely beings from another planet but entities that exist in dimensions beyond our comprehension? This idea aligns with the Biblical understanding of spiritual beings that exist in realms beyond our reality.

Although the Bible doesn’t talk about aliens from another planet, it certainly talks about spiritual beings other than humans. For example, "Elohim" is used in the Old Testament to describe divine beings, often translated as "gods." These beings are part of a divine council, as described in Psalm 82, where God presides over an assembly of divine beings.

The late Dr. Micheal Heiser, an Old Testament scholar, had much to say on this topic, and I would highly recommend reading his books “Supernatural” or “The Unseen Realm.” In his works, he shows how the Bible assumes a supernatural perspective and is full of spiritual beings. These spiritual beings are evident all over the Old and New Testaments, such as the "sons of God" mentioned in Job 1:6 and the "morning stars" in Job 38:7. There is also the account of the Nephilim in Genesis 6, where the "sons of God" slept with the daughters of men, creating a race of giants.

The big idea is that God is the head and creator of a divine council of spiritual beings. Some of these beings have rebelled, as seen in the story of Lucifer's fall in Isaiah 14. These examples from Scripture could provide a deeper framework for understanding NHIs as spiritual entities that exist in dimensions beyond our physical world.

You can start to see a connection between NHIs and UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) in our modern nomenclature and the unseen realm described in the Bible. It is not hard to picture NHI as spiritual beings such as the Elohim described in the Bible. This perspective bridges the gap between scientific inquiry and spiritual understanding, offering a fresh lens through which to view the mysteries of UFOs and aliens.

If the NHIs and UAP phenomenon are indeed the spiritual beings described in the Bible, we can assume there are two factions: those who are loyal to the God of the Bible and those who have rebelled. This duality is reflected in the Biblical narrative, where we find both angelic beings serving God and fallen angels who have turned away from Him.

One example of potential positive actions observed by UAPs is the reports of their interference in nuclear weapons and even preventing nuclear war during the Cold War era. Former NASA astronaut Edgar Mitchell has reported instances where UAPs appeared to intervene in human affairs in ways that promote peace and prevent catastrophe. These actions could be interpreted as the work of spiritual beings aligned with the divine purpose, acting to preserve life.

On the other hand, we have accounts of disturbing acts such as cattle mutilations, abductions, and hybridization with humans using bioengineering. These unsettling phenomena seem to align more with the actions of rebellious spiritual beings, those who operate outside the will of God. The latter is strikingly similar to the accounts in Genesis 6, where the "sons of God" mixed with the "daughters of men," leading to the creation of the Nephilim. This ancient narrative echoes the modern reports of hybridization, suggesting a continuity of activity by spiritual beings who defy God's order.

The narrative extends beyond what we commonly know. The recurring depiction of gray aliens in numerous abduction accounts and testimonies over the years adds another layer to the mystery. Some theorists propose that these beings may be bio-engineered synthetics resembling advanced organic robots. Could they represent a contemporary manifestation of the Nephilim, possibly created by fallen Elohim who act in defiance of divine order? While this idea may seem far-fetched, there's an underlying plausibility that resonates with some interpretations of ancient texts and modern phenomena. It's a thought-provoking perspective that invites further exploration and consideration.

The duality of actions observed in UAP phenomena, reflecting loyalty to God and rebellion, aligns with the broader theme of spiritual warfare described in the Bible. Ephesians 6:12 states, "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." This passage emphasizes the unseen battle taking place in the spiritual realm, a battle that involves both divine and rebellious forces.

The connection between NHIs, UAPs, and spiritual warfare adds another layer of complexity to our understanding of these phenomena. It suggests that the actions of these non-human intelligences may be part of a larger cosmic battle between good and evil, a struggle that transcends our physical world and engages with spiritual realities.

The reports of UAPs interfering in nuclear weapons to prevent war, contrasted with disturbing acts such as abductions and hybridization, could be manifestations of this spiritual battle. The former reflects the work of spiritual beings aligned with God's purposes, acting to preserve peace and protect humanity. The latter resonates with the actions of rebellious spiritual forces seeking to disrupt, deceive, and defy God's order.

In this context, the exploration of NHIs and UAPs is not merely a scientific or technological inquiry but a spiritual one. It invites us to recognize the spiritual dimensions of existence and to approach the subject with discernment, faith, and an awareness of the unseen realities that shape our world.

Understanding the UAP phenomenon through the lens of spiritual warfare calls for wisdom, vigilance, and a grounding in spiritual truths. It reminds us that we are part of a cosmic drama that unfolds in both seen and unseen realms, a drama that engages us in a struggle for truth, integrity, and alignment with the divine will.

In conclusion, the connection between NHIs, UAPs, and spiritual warfare as described in Ephesians 6:12, enriches our perspective on these phenomena. It integrates Biblical wisdom with modern observations, offering a holistic view that recognizes the spiritual dynamics at play. It challenges us to engage with the subject not only with curiosity and wonder but also with spiritual discernment and a recognition of the profound implications for our understanding of reality.


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